Janese Derrough, Intuitive Empowerment Guide
About me:
I would not be doing this work professionally if it wasn’t for a couple people in who have been quite significant in my life. My grandmother, Helen Price, has been the most important and positive role model in my life. If it wasn’t for her, I have no idea how I would have blossomed so well through some very challenging chapters in my life. It was her who taught me the importance of “seeing” people and using intuition as one of the senses we all have.
As a child I was always inquisitive and creative. I remember seeing my grandmother reading a regular deck of cards with the neighborhood women when I was 9 years old. When I asked my grandmother to teach me, she said that I was too young, and that she would when I get older. How I was so fascinated to observe her quietly in a corner so as not to be caught. While I watched my grandmother share with the neighbors what the cards were saying, I watched a depth of emotion and sharing that felt real. I wanted to share that with others and couldn’t wait until I was old enough.
The lucky age for me was 12 years old. She wrote on all the cards and explained to me how they interacted with each other. I played around with my friends but never thought I’d do anything with it besides that. It was this deep understanding of something greater to me that helped me through some very rough teenage and young adult years.
When I was 22, I met my first husband Mark. He was very involved with spiritual matters as was I. His friends were in a meditation group that I was going to and introduced us because of that. Mark not only promoted me doing this work professional, but he introduced me to a woman who helped me get started.
During that time, I was in deep questioning. The one large question that I wanted to know about was what is a higher power. I soon after that had an experience that changed everything in my life. I was lifted into new realms that were very real within me, and very difficult to put into words. This experience has been the foundation that sustained and guided my life since then.
It is because of this experience that Mark and I fostered 17 children; adopted five; that I’ve taught workshops; changed my diet; moved; went to get my undergraduate and graduate degrees; left my first marriage; to now be with the love of my life. If it were not for the guidance that continues in my life, I have no idea what my life would be like. And for this I am so grateful to Mark Johnson and My grandmother.
Because intuition has been so rich in my life, I hope through our work together, it can become as rich for you too.
I have recently put videos up on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@janesederrough