Great tools for healing trauma

I hope you enjoy this video on healing trauma through gratitude and self love. Love to hear about your journey with healing. Please share in the comments.

Healing trauma and stress through gratitude

Recently I had the most delightful interview with Claire Faithfull of Be a Smart Woman Podcast. She interviewed me on one of my favorite topics on healing trauma through gratitude.  I hope you have a chance to listen to this podcast. Claire has interviewed quite a few woman on various topics. You would really enjoy […]

Intuition into greater joy!

To most people intuition is an abstract concept that does not apply to their day-to-day life. Over the 35+ years of working with intuition, I can tell you that everyone has at least one instance where intuition played a major role in his or her life. When we recognize that intuition is as natural for […]

Mindfulness and Loving Kindness

After plane, train, subway, and, finally, an Uber ride my husband Roger and I arrived at the remote 40 year-old Insight Meditation Society (IMS) retreat center in central Massachusetts. We would be staying for 9 days of mediation with 98 other individuals while adhering to “noble silence”. At first it was awkward, but soon was […]

Creativity and the Small Still Voice

As a child I was quite creative, and managed to express my creativity in many ways; like creating a fair at age 12 and giving some of my toys away as prizes, I even pretended to be a gypsy reading a crystal ball/rock. In 5th grade I won a contest for best drawing of the […]

Rethinking our concept of gender

We are in a changing world that seems to be getting more divisive each day with less tolerance for differences and for change. Sadly, one population of individuals that have been antagonized, bullied, and discriminated against is the transgender community. One of the reasons that is given from those opposing transgender people is, they say, […]

Workshop: Living the Best You & achieving your dreams!

    Do you find that your life dreams seem out of reach and responsibilities keep you from moving forward? If so, this workshop may be the perfect one for you! We will explore the importance of intuition in following your heart, recognizing difference between emotion and intuition, and knowing how to cultivate greater intuition […]