Roger and I were asked to interview with Carolyn and Ruth with the End of Life transition group regarding our experience working with them with home funerals. Source: Death doulas assist the dying and loved ones cope with mortality – FOX Carolina 21

Roger and I were asked to interview with Carolyn and Ruth with the End of Life transition group regarding our experience working with them with home funerals. Source: Death doulas assist the dying and loved ones cope with mortality – FOX Carolina 21
Over the past thirty or so years we have been hearing a lot about manifestation and the law of attraction. The law of attraction suggests that through the power of intention you can create the life you want. Many of the suggested ways to create your dreams come true range from vision boards, visualization, affirmations, […]
For many years I struggled with two differing attitudes about myself: one attitude feels loved, understood, and respected, while the other attitude struggles with self-worth. Research has shown that early childhood trauma and neglect can spark feelings of resentment and inadequacy years later. I have found this to be accurate in my life through situations […]
Over the years, I have experienced a lot of interesting reactions when I tell someone that I work with intuition as a tool for helping others. The lack of belief in intuition has been surprising to me since I personally believe everyone has at least one intuitive story to share. When I went back to […]
Living the Best You has been quite a journey of learning, loving, and showing up – in ways that have been new for me. As they say in Buddhist teachings, the only thing permanent is impermanence! One of the most fascinating parts of the “job” as a show host was interviewing authors who have helped […]
Living the best you show host interviews Bryan Robinson. Dr. Bryan Robinson was born with a pen in his hand! Author of 35 nonfiction books; living in Charlotte, NC; and teaching at UNC Charlotte. He then decided to follow his dream and write a novel, move to Asheville, and go into private practice. This interview […]