Most Likely To…..

For many years I struggled with two differing attitudes about myself: one attitude feels loved, understood, and respected, while the other attitude struggles with self-worth. Research has shown that early childhood trauma and neglect can spark feelings of resentment and inadequacy years later. I have found this to be accurate in my life through situations […]

Drop the Myths and let your intuition be your guide

Over the years, I have experienced a lot of interesting reactions when I tell someone that I work with intuition as a tool for helping others. The lack of belief in intuition has been surprising to me since I personally believe everyone has at least one intuitive story to share. When I went back to […]

One Chapter Ends, Another Begins

Living the Best You has been quite a journey of learning, loving, and showing up – in ways that have been new for me. As they say in Buddhist teachings, the only thing permanent is impermanence! One of the most fascinating parts of the “job” as a show host was interviewing authors who have helped […]