Over the years, I have experienced a lot of interesting reactions when I tell someone that I work with intuition as a tool for helping others. The lack of belief in intuition has been surprising to me since I personally believe everyone has at least one intuitive story to share. When I went back to higher education a couple years ago to get my Master degree in Social Psychology, I went with the idea to bridge intuition and academia together. When I went to the online library through my university, I was shocked to find that there were 30, 000 studies associated with intuition. Wow, how exciting that intuition is being studied, and how sad that the way science needs empirical evidence is keeping belief in intuition in the woodwork. One of the reasons I feel compelled to write about intuition and the importance of it is because I truly believe the more we learn how to listen to our intuition, the more loving and harmonious we are with ourselves and others.
In my opinion, Intuition is a natural “sense” that is part of our wiring and has been noted throughout all of history. If you look at history, it is easy to see how the value of intuition has been jilted and left by the side of the road in favor of a hierarchical structural system; such as what religion and education offer. In the pre- medieval days, people relied on their intuition to survive. Tuning into the weather, feeling where the animals were, and connecting with the land all were critical components in order to survive. Those actions all come from what I refer to as intuition. Intuition has a sense that is beyond the cognitive rational mind. During the medieval days, they killed people for using intuition and not standing with the religion’s rules and following the orders given. The Renaissance period was not favorable to intuition either, where science and the arts kept intuition in the background. During the Renaissance period, “intuitives’ were either seen as the traveling gypsy or the medium talking with the dead. Social Psychological theories came into play to explain intuitive phenomenon from a scientific perspective suggesting that people could “see” others in ways that they could not see themselves due to cues that they were interpreting. Being raised with intuition from my grandmother who learned from her great aunt, I feel very confident to be able to claim that everyone has intuition, and it is a matter of learning to pay attention to it, and integrating it with the cognitive.
Perhaps due to the carry over of the protrya; of intuitives from the renaissance days, “intuitives” are still seen as a bit of an oddity. This is not only being seen from the mainstream, but in a large part being promoted by the “Intuitives” themselves. Maybe it is a marketing gimmick or a way they can feel “special”. But sadly it has done a great disservice to helping to empower people with their intuition. I also want to clarify the difference between psychic and intuitive. A psychic is more focused on fate-based thinking. They tend to believe that the future is fixed in stone, and they can read that for you. Whereas, working with intuition can be a combination, but primarily focuses on free will. An example of this is when a person is driving home and gets a feeling to turn the other way, only to avoid a traffic jam or accident. This individual used their free will to create change at the moment. If we were totally fate based, then they would not get an inner directive to do something different. I work with intuition because I believe that when we “row our boat” in life, beautiful things happen. The other picture believes that you are destined and waiting for that situation can help cause more victim thinking.
One way to strengthen a weak muscle is to exercise it. If your intuitive voice has been locked away and shoved in a closet due to the many reasons I just explained, it might need a little more attention then just to listen to it. I find that when people start working with their intuition, they begin with a lot of “mythful” thinking. One major misunderstanding that many have with intuition is how they will experience it. There are as many ways to experience intuition, as there are ways that people experience life. There are some who experience intuition as a voice or visuals, but that is not the most common way to experience intuition. Most people experience intuition as a sense or thought (that feels like their own) that comes in from nowhere. Because the sense and the thought do not feel “otherworldly” they often get ignored, when in fact it is your intuition. When I started working with intuition, I too had senses and thoughts pop in, and it was hard to distinguish between feelings and intuitions. It takes a lot of paying attention and inner observation to be able to feel the differences between the two. When I feel confused and unable to tell if a response is emotional, I end up using my dreams to help me with the answers. Many indigenous cultures used nature as a way to guide and talk with them. It is important to you to find how your intuition works for you.
Why work so hard to get intuition back in your life? The number one reason I think intuition deserves a seat at your table of life is because it has never left it. It is as if there is a wise being sitting at your table, and you have been told that they do not exist, but they sit there patiently, and occasionally prompt you here and there with little credit. That wisdom part of you is waiting to be acknowledged and longs to help you live in more harmony with your life. Many of our struggles can be resolved by following our intuitive voice. Welcome your intuition at a seat at the table, and let its wisdom join your emotional and cognitive natures. You deserve to live life from your whole self!
awesome article!