Empowerment or Victimhood? You choose!

If you are struggling in life and want to break through into a feeling of empowerment, then this video may be for you. Janese shares some wonderful ideas on how to help heal the inner wounds.

To Give or not to Give? Are you helping or enabling?

There are times when we think we are helping someone when in fact they might not be ready to change. Knowing when to give and when to back off can be quite empowering. In this video I share what helps me to discern the difference.    

Greater World peace from an inner approach

We all have biases that we are unaware of that affect the way that we think, act, and treat others. By becoming aware of the implicit biases that we have, we can then approach others with more kindness and less reaction. In this video, I talk about ways to increase awareness, and through this, become […]

Miracles and Care Bear Stare

  Are you familiar with the Care Bear show? The idea of care bear stare has been an interesting and practical way to teach children to send love and prayers to people and situations.  A care bear stare is when the Care Bears join together to shine light from their hearts when facing danger or […]

Pro-life AND Pro-Choice!

When I hear the phrase “pro-life,” I think of Amelia Bedelia, a character in a children’s book series written by author Peggy Parish. Amelia takes everything quite literal. When someone says that they are pro-life, in a literal sense, which says that everything living matters to that person. They care for all of the tapestry […]

Enjoying Life and Moving the Stress on Through!

I’ve been working on these animated blogs, and a friend suggested that I make it a little more fun.I thought that was a great suggestion, so I am working on how to talk about important topics in a fun way! I’d love to hear your opinion on this.Also if you have any suggestions, love to […]