Dreams are a wonderful way to bypass our mind and get clear guidance in our life. There have been so many times in my life that I have felt so unclear about what to do and which direction I should take in my life. When I ask inwardly to be shown clarity regarding situations or […]
What is an Intuitive Life Coach?
Attempting to define my role as an Intuitive Life Coach for my new website has been quite an interesting process for me. Up until recently I have simply let others define their experience of the session through word of mouth, and that has worked out well up until now. The challenge with letting others define […]
Reflective thinking can help prevent future suffering
Originally posted in Asheville Daily Planet Tuesday, 27 May 2008 If we look at some of the difficulties that we are having in our life today, we can often see from past situations how we ended up where we are now. Reflective thinking is not only a great tool for helping us to better understand […]
Personal relationship with spirituality, religion weathers challenges
Originally posted in Asheville Daily Planet 10 June 2008 Most relationships in our life change as we change through the years. We find that when we take someone else for granted, or are taken for granted, the relationship can feel empty and distant. This can also apply to our personal relationship with spirituality or religion. […]
Let’s make changes that will improve the quality of our life
Originally posted in Asheville Daily Planet 22 July 2008 Change is an inevitable experience that we all have at least a few times throughout our life. Some of these changes are welcomed and even desired, while others can feel difficult and even brutal. Then there are the changes that we have a choice over. We […]
In a busy, active life, make time daily to cultivate peace, stillness of mind
Originally posted in Asheville Daily Planet 08 July 2008 This morning I woke up with clarity and peace about writing on clarity and peace. All morning, I was enjoying a wonderful clarity. I went through work with that clarity — and continued with this wonderful peace of mind. I was going to write about the […]
Let’s appreciate the kindness that is around each of us every day
This is a reprint from the Asheville Daily PlanetOriginally written on 04 March 2008 Do we take kindness for granted? It seems that kindness does not get the recognition that it deserves — that is, until we experience an unkind action from someone else, and then we realize that they were not being kind. With […]
overcoming hard times through honest appreciations
Many of us have grown up with painful stories and memories that at times can feel debilitating. We have attempted to heal the painful wounds that are buried deep within our being through various means. We have tried therapy, healing, self help books, forgiveness, prayer, and the many other means available that offer healing,only to […]
Springtime awakenings
Originally posted on my website 17 March 09 For many of us, winter is a time of being in our “inbreath”, it is a time of reflection, and of being. I knowfor many, this winter has been particularly challengingwith all the changes with our Country as well.Fortunately at the end of every winter, we open […]
Your Intuition through changing times
Originally posted on my website 19 Jan 09 This week is a very special week. Today is Martin Luther KingJr. day and tomorrow is the inauguration of Barrack Obama,the first black president of the United States, and anextraordinary human being.I certainly do feel that these times are filled with a need forchange. If we continue […]