Note from Janese:
So grateful for all those that I’ve worked with over the years. Thank you for your kind words, support, and being in my life.
Due to my website going down, I lost some of the most recent reviews. If you are interested in writing a review or if yours is one of the ones that I lost, please feel free to write me at, and I will add it.
Wonderful session with Janese
I recently received my first session with Janese. I was desperately feeling the need for support & guidance as I’m going through much transition and a huge growth spurt! Janese’s input was invaluable in helping me see myself and this process I’m going through with much more clarity. When I refer back to my notes I recorded during our talk, I’m increasingly blown away by her perception & sagacity. Janese is truly gifted, and shares her insights in a very safe & loving manner.
Jul 2, 2019
Empowerment session with Janese Derrough
I am truly empowered after my session with Janese! Every session I have ever had with Janese has left me filled with a deeper awareness of myself and why I feel the way I do toward certain issues. Her amazing intuition shares words of wisdom that personally direct me to inspiring solutions! I have always felt SO BLESSED to have Janese to turn to when I need help in any way! Bless you Janese and all you are doing for all those whom you are helping. SO much LOVE and Thankfulness for you!! XXOO!!!!
Jun 28, 2019
Janese is the best!
I had my first reading with Janese over 25 years ago and my latest yesterday, and she has always been spot on. She is exceptionally smart, warm, fun, understanding, and especially, accurate!! She is simply the best at what she does.
May 24, 2019
I’ve known Janese now in the capacity of her beautiful intuitive insight I think 42 years, if I’m counting right. And in all that time she has shown me her impeccable integrity, her truth and whole being that she articulates with clarity, compassion and love that is Rare and Precious. I simply adore her!
May 3, 2019
Wonderful experience!
I had my first session with Janese recently and had a truly wonderful experience. I felt deeply inspired, comforted, seen, and supported. I left with a heightened sense of clarity and rightness. Plus it was fun! I absolutely plan to see her again down the road.
Apr 11, 2019
Encouraging and helpful!
Grateful For Janese’s coaching. Always encouraging and helpful during life transitions. Have been working with her for over 8 years!
Mar 28, 2019
Janese’s guidance is always loving and right on! I frequently schedule sessions for clarity either annually or twice a year! I think my first session was in 2006. I appreciate the empowerment feeling I have to make clear choices.
Jan 7, 2019
Insight and counseling that puts you on the right track
I’ve met with Janese for intuitive counseling sessions on and off for over ten years. Janese truly has an amazing intuitive ability and will tell me what’s on my mind before I even open my mouth. She sees the bigger picture and the story behind it, and this provides clarity and insight that I would never have otherwise. I am thankful for every conversation with her, and for her guidance. Her work is truly a gift to me and to everyone she touches.
Sep 28, 2018
an extraordinary conversation
Janese was insightful and provided me with clarity on some issues in my life I had been dealing with for several months.I left feeling empowered to make clear choices.
Aug 17, 2018
Another Amazing Session
I have been working with Janese for over 20 years now, and I have come to rely on her advice and guidance in managing major aspects of my life. This last session was extremely valuable as I navigate the challenges of life and try to live authentically and be my best self. Thank you Janese!
Jun 13, 2018
Consistent guidance
For over 20 years Janese has been guiding me regardless of my life situation and her advice has always helped me to make considered life’s choices. Thanks!
Jun 7, 2018
So many years…
…of connecting with Janese. I value incredibly her deep, spiritual insights. She “sees” the things that are sort of floating around in my consciousness and brings them to light. So very grateful…
Mar 29, 2018
Fifteen(?) years
No matter what’s happening in my life, Janese always helps me to see things clearer. She clears out the cobwebs and helps me make better sense of things! It’s very cathartic and grounding to hear her insights. A re-boot of sorts. 🙂
Mar 28, 2018
Twenty five years!
I have had counseling sessions with Janese from time to time for the last twenty five years, needI say more? I can’t say the same about any other counselor I have seen through the years. I recently called her again and I found our meeting to be very healing for me. I know her to be a genuinely caring person and I believe she has a unique talent and ability to do the work she does.
Nov 15, 2017
The Empowerment/Intuitive session was extremely helpful! Janese was able to bring clarity to my present situation! I will definitely schedule another session,
Nov 8, 2017
Janese has a way of guidance that is like no other. Whenever I have a session I come out with clarity and clear thoughts. She is amazing
Nov 6, 2017
I always feel more grounded and confident after a session with Janese. I appreciate her insights and perspective that keep me moving forward. She has helped me navigate many of life’s challenges and I am so grateful!
Jul 19, 2017
Janese always gives great information and is very insightful when I am indecisive or questioning my own intuition. She is articulate and allows me to see things in a different way which allows more understanding with life challenges. I felt more empowered after our session and am grateful to have Janese as a resource to deal with this thing we call Life.
Jun 22, 2017
Delightfully Insightful & Down to Earth
Janese is spot on, very insightful, down to earth and always what I need when an outside intuitive perspective can be helpful. She’ll tell you “like it is” with no BS or extra woo. She’ll support you to wake up in whatever way your life is calling you. She has a heartwarming laugh, genuine lightness, and a capacity to fully appreciate what needs to be held with care. I already look forward to the next time I am called to call on Janese.
Jun 14, 2017
Grateful for her gift
Janese is not a psychic, and even though I asked her some questions along that line, she did not go there. Thank God she did not go there! Because what she provided was so much better! She sees life in a very macro view and tells you the bigger picture where you can make your own choices! Gave me guidance on how my current actions were affecting what was allowed to come to me, which is much more powerful than being told something about the future!
Jun 8, 2017
So Appreciative of Janese’s Perception
I’ve been doing sessions with Janese, sometimes frequently, sometimes less frequently for about 30 years now! Wow! And in each session she goes directly to the core of what is at hand. Her perspective is from the depth of Soul Level, and to be able to get to that level with her Heart’s Vision is a true blessing! Thank you Dear Janese! So much love to you!
May 12, 2017
Janese is spot-on with her insight and so compassionate with her delivery. She helps to get the focus on what really matters. For me, always a clarifying voyage!!
Apr 22, 2017
Thank You
Janese was very insightful, I enjoyed the session very much. During the session I gained insight and clarity. She seems to view and share information about situations from a full perspective which is very helpful. Thank you!
Apr 12, 2017
Getting my perspective back
A very good time to consult with Janese is when you can’t see the forest through the trees, and have lost perspective as to how to move forward. Janese and her extremely insightful wisdom helps you to see yourself and suggest the specific tool you need to move forward. What would I do without Janese . I woke up this morning after —–feeling like a new personal Thaku
Mar 30, 2017
Helping me through difficult decisions…yet again
Once again, a difficult decision has come into my life and Janese is there to help me along the way. I needed to hear some things I wasn’t ready to listen to from myself. Hearing them from someone else is sometimes all I need to make a world of difference. Much gratitude!
Mar 20, 2017
Amazing Assist
Janese has helped me clarify issues, people and plans and she has done so repeatedly for 16.5 years. There is a cleansing and a buoyant lift that follows these conversations.
Feb 17, 2017
The Big Picture
It is so easy to get lost in the weeds of everyday details, but Janese helps me take the broader and longer perspective of my life, bother professional and personally. I am so grateful for her support and guidance which is always very helpful and grounding.
Jan 16, 2017
Always insightful
I regularly have counseling sessions with Janese and she ALWAYS surprises me with the accuracy of her intuition, with her ability to put her finger exactly on an issue & – most valuably – to bring light to it in ways that I was unable to. I am a successful woman with strong intuition myself. But Janese’s nonjudgmental love/wisdom paired with her remarkable intuitive gifts help me see around corners & into blind spots giving invaluable guidance which has helped me & my family so much.
Jan 6, 2017
So wise
Janese continues to provide me with wisdom and guidance every time we speak. I’ve grown a lot since I began working with her. The tools she’s provided me are invaluable, and could’ve taken me a lifetime to figure out for myself. Thanks to Janese, I’m healing rapidly but at a comfortable pace, and can concentrate on my present and future, rather than stewing in my past.
Dec 28, 2016
Extremely helpful and insightful
I was amazed at Janese’s abilities to communicate a vision for my future career path. I appreciated her perspective about excitement overruling anxiety and some clarity about my future path. She helped cement some things I already knew, but was not able to vocalize. Her skills are incredible.
Dec 2, 2016
Janese has a way of putting my feelings in to words to help me process lifes challenges. Over the years I have used her advice and feel that I have become more stable in my decisions not just with her input, but her advice has taught me how to process these things on my own as well. I am forever appreciative of her gifts
Aug 31, 2016
Janese has helped me to understand my purpose and how to make my life filled with passion. I experience successful results when I follow her advice and she is superb at feeling what is right for my life path. I feel more confident in my life decisions after talking with and processing with her.
Aug 11, 2016
I’ve had a few sessions now and feel like I’m experiencing a lot more clarity. The progress I feel I’ve made is something that might have taken 3-4 years without her assistance. Janese is a very supportive and compassionate person who senses things about myself before I can even articulate them. Love these sessions!
Aug 10, 2016
14 years of Gratitude
Once again, personal, practical, to the point, and on target. I look forward to reporting back about the efforts of my new “homework.”
Jul 22, 2016
Grateful, as always
I have been fortunate enough to have worked with Janese on and off for years – through many crises and other more “normal” times. Her sensibilities and insights never cease to amaze me. I’ve grown to rely on these intuitive readings and responses – she is a true master at what she does; she relies on spirit and grace to flow through her. Somehow the challenges and concerns are assuaged, and I always end up feeling comforted and more positive about my present and future. I am very grateful.
Jul 20, 2016
Empowerment on Steroids
Janese is a highly gifted coach and empowerment guide. She has a gentle spirit and gets to the heart of your needs in helpful and meaningful ways. I have used her services many times over the past years and have never left feeling anything other than empowered and grateful. As a therapist, it can be difficult to find a professional to work with on personal issues. Janese has truly been a godsend. I recommend her without reservation. Elaine, Greenville, SC
May 13, 2016
Grateful for our time
Janese has an easy going style that taps directly into the heart of what information was need for me. I spent an hour during our empowering guide session, it was relevant, helpful and on target. I am very appreciative of her gift and would recommend her highly.
Feb 16, 2016
Inspired by the Heavens!
Love this lady… So clear and thoughtful and spot – on! I’ve worked with Janese for many years now. I’ve only seen her face-to-face once. The phone does work wonders! Whenever I’m at a life impasse, she helps to navigate me through. I’m so blessed to have her intuitive sense in my corner! Thank you Janese!!
Jan 1, 2016
Reliably Wonderful!
I’ve worked with Janese about 5 times – and I always contact her when I’m going through transitions for the voice of reason. What she picks up through her meditation and reveals to me (without me saying a word first) is so accurate, trust is established immediately. Janese is really easy to talk to, and extremely approachable. She has added a lot of peace to my life when I need it most. I feel safe.
Dec 22, 2015
Amazing Experience, Highly Recommended in Times of Confusion
Within the first couple of minutes of our session my heart was racing a bit because Janese was so dead on. I’m not sure how she’s honed such an amazing skill, let alone over the phone from thousands of miles away, but she really is able to read energies even as they flow over the course of a session. She possesses a keen ability to point out personality aspects and directions which are likely best for us that the outside noise of life often won’t allow us to hear. Extremely grateful for her!
Dec 2, 2015
Excellent coach
I had my first session with Janese this week and it was an incredible experience. She was able to help me put current issues into perspective & look at solutions I had not thought of. I feel the session was invaluable guidance that will move me forward. I would gladly recommend Janese.
Aug 21, 2015
An Amazing Coach
I have been working with Janese for many years now and her guidance on life’s major issues and decisions has been invaluable. I have always felt Janese was my “secret weapon” who helped me make good decisions, and confront my own demons in a joyful and engaging way. That she can tune in to other’s energy and relay some of their inner thoughts and feelings has offered me insights into my world, my place in it, and the best way to navigate through it. I am so grateful for her guidance!
May 28, 2015
Stellar Intuition for Practical Guidance
I consult Janese whenever an opportunity is opening up for me professionally. She helps me become aware of the obstacles that may be present and offers strategies for how to overcome them. The sessions are clarifying, inspirational, grounding, and FUN! Janese’s spot-on insights are invaluable when navigating where you are and where you want to go.
May 28, 2015
Janese confirmed for me what I already felt intuitively, which gave me the confidence that I am on the right track. Also Janese helped me have the clarity that I need to move forward in my life. Now I feel empowered that I can be clear about what I want, attract it, and make the best choices for my growth and happiness in life. Janese is awesome!
May 28, 2015
Janese is always helpful, always grounding, and compassionate in her advice and direction. When I feel unsettled and unsure, Janese helps to center me and bring me back into the flow of things.
May 8, 2015
That’s what I get after a session with Janese. Clear guidance in a loving manner along with the ability to put in to words what I am experiencing. Makes life so much easier to understand.
Mar 20, 2015
More than a coach
I’ve consulted with Janese for over 20 years. She is more than a coach, she is a guide for the heart and soul. The guidance she shared in our last session was difficult for me to receive, as it had to do with “letting go” of trying to control, letting go of attachment to a beautiful place, and special beings in my life. I was prompted to act and the results were almost immediate. I am now beginning to see that the future may be as beautiful and blessed as the past, perhaps more so.
Feb 24, 2015
Great Guidance
Janese is very insightful, positive, and points out all the positive in one’s life. Helps you see that with good and joy one can continue improve in ones life. She teaches you to focus on the best part of you to make you even better every part of your life improves, health, spirit,and relationships. Janese I have known for almost two decades and she has helped me tune up my life along the way. She is a gifted coach. She is a really loving, understanding, generous, and insightful.
Feb 13, 2015
All That a Coach Should Be
Janese radiates strength and determination, with a very thoughtful presence. Lots of positive energy! She is skilled at both listening and sharing. She’s not afraid to be bold and direct in her comments. I’m seeking help to change some long-standing patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, which I realize have kept my spirit and heart in a bind. Also need help with accepting some long-standing physical pain. Not an easy task, but I trust in Janese’s guidance.
Feb 6, 2015
Genuinely helpful
I spoke with Janese as I had some very big decisions coming up in my life. She was able to help me find some clarity and direction. Janese is an incredibly genuine woman and she practices with a helping mindset. Most helpful conversation I have had during my quarter-life crisis hands down. Worth it.
Jan 22, 2015
intuitive session
Came seeking guidance and clarity and received that and a wisdom about my life choices that made so much sense to my heart and helped connect me to my joyful recovery on many levels.
Jan 5, 2015
Intuitive Session
Awesome session as always. I leave the conversation feeling empowered, safe and happy. Janese has been a constant in my life and continues to help me navigate through difficult crossroads.
Dec 24, 2014
Session a game changer for me
Janese created a context for every area of my life that has given me a tremendous clarity and peace about what is sitting out in front of me. She has a combination of wisdom, depth and lightness of being that enables her to communicate hard truths about themes in an amazingly reassuring way. What a gift she has been to me!
Nov 1, 2014
A wise, powerful guide
I have called on Janese for individual sessions periodically over the past 15 years and am now working with her for intuitive life coaching. I have always found Janese perceptive, kind, wise, and discerning (gently pointing out when I’m fooling myself). I’ve recommended her to 6 friends and counting – all of whom have found her insights helpful. Her perceptions have helped me and several friends make meaningful changes for the better in our lives.
Oct 24, 2014
Janese is a precious, rare resource
In less than an hour, Janese generously gave me positive confirmation of my present direction in life, clarified my hazy thoughts and ideas, and affirmed my own intuitive processes. I am deeply, deeply grateful. I also liked her a whole lot!!!
Oct 10, 2014
Greater clarity and peace
The guidance and insights Janese shared helped me gain greater clarity, and a sense of peace,about important decisions I am facing. She also reinforced my own intuitions, which is something that’s really important to me. I have known Janese for more than 20 years, she has been totally dedicated to a life of service, love and compassion. I trust her to help me find my way as I seek to “let my soul lead” and to use my heart as my compass.
Jul 18, 2014
Very helpful and confirming
Janese did a wonderful job of articulating the issues behind two major stressful situations in my life. The clarity she offered to a life long strategy of mine has already resulted in a change in how I see myself in the world and opened a new door for me to recreate my life.
Jun 25, 2014
Amazing & Insightful Session
Janese is amazing! She zero-ed in on my core issue immediately… She went directly to the main issue & delivered clear info which was profoundly helpful & healing. It was like having 10years of Therapy in one session… She illuminated a major blind spot that no one ever picked up on before in all my years of Therapy… She’s helping me heal at higher & deeper levels. I’m excited to work with her on my Healing Journey…
Jun 4, 2014
Janese never ceases to amaze me. She hones in on what you need (and it may not be what you think you need) in a matter of minutes. Then she sheds laser light on the situation with uncanny precision. It’s of little wonder why I’ve been working with her for 20 plus years!
May 16, 2014
Spot On!
I am still reflecting on my reading and really regret not having recorded it. Janese’s reading was insightful and accurate on so many levels. She helped illuminate some blinds spots. It was both fun and opening!
Mar 27, 2014
I have been talking to Janese for 22 years. She has seen me through many life crises in those years. The most recent, my husband passed away very suddenly. She has always been very encouraging and very supportive and broadened my perspective on whatever situation I was encountering, which in turn helped me to make the right decisions for my life.
Feb 5, 2014
Janese is firm but gentle and no-nonsense in a way that is very reassuring and helpful. Her guidance was exactly what I think I needed to hear.
Jan 16, 2014
Session with Janese
I loved my time with Janese. She’s really plugged into the bigger picture and our time felt alive and fun and insightful. It also confirmed many new understandings I was having about my life and inner process , which is always helpful and supportive. I thank her for sharing the bright light that she is .
Jan 10, 2014
Getting unstuck!
Whenever I feel in a rut or really stuck in my personal or professional life, talking with Janese gets me back on track. By the time I leave a session, my energy is up and I feel hopeful and focused. So thankful for Janese’s experience as an intuitive coach!! She is truly gifted and wise and I value her counsel.
Dec 4, 2013
Always right on
I’ve been working with Janese for close to 15 years. She has seen me through many events and transformations in my life. Her wisdom and clarity always clears away the cob webs and confusion and she helps to shed light on the many messages and lessons waiting for me. Thank you for being a clear, open, and loving guide!
Nov 30, 2013
Moving Forward
Janese is more than a life coach. Every one of her perceptions were highly accurate and presented to me in a manner that was straightforward with an air of lightness and fun. I had been stuck on an issue that I was ready to release. Due to the deeper understanding gained in my session, I have released it with loving gratitude. Thank you Janese for setting me free…like no other could. Many blessings to you in the coming years.
Nov 8, 2013
I love this amazing woman! My sessions with her give me the ability to put my feelings in to words. I have a greater sense of what is really going on and it keeps me on the right path. Understanding me and being able to verbalize what I feel keeps me focused on what is most important in my life. I have learned so much about trusting myself and my own intuition. Many thanks to her for her guidance!
Oct 11, 2013
Vision Board – Weekend Retreat at Janese & Roger’s Home
What a fantastic weekend my sisters and I had! Janese guided us through the purpose of vision boarding and manifesting what we see as our gifts to give in this lifetime. Using her intuitive guidance, always hitting the center of knowingness, she helped us focus on our vision. If we strayed, she asked questions getting us to think outside the box to add pictures that would bring each of us into our life purpose through our business together. Superb environment for growing and healing!
Aug 10, 2013
Janese is the best!
Janese has saved my life and validated my soul path many times for over 20 years.I am so grateful to have her in my life and I refer with great trust many of my friends and clients to her.
Jun 20, 2013
Once again, Janese’s perspective is invaluable.
Janese, thank you. I always learn and grow from our sessions. You have a way of looking at a situation that is fresh, surprising, full of wisdom & compassion. Your insights always open and expand my perspective.
Jun 20, 2013
Spot On
Janese’s guidance felt spot on, and she also helped me to listen to my own intuition. Everything felt like it was coming from me.
May 17, 2013
reading with janese derrough
i highly recommend Janese. the reading was spot-on…she was very clear, accurate, offered practical suggestions…she has deep understanding and provides both the ‘big picture” of what is going on as well as reading the present moment/process.
May 15, 2013
Focus and support
Janese’s insights and coaching have been invaluable as I navigate transitions in my life and career. Her support and affirmation of me inspire me to live into my best self.
May 9, 2013
Saved me all KINDS of grief!
As I am stepping into the role of president for my association, Janese was spot-on for recommending a new attitude and perspective that will save me untold misery and frustration AND help bring success to us all. INVALUABLE!
Apr 17, 2013
Professional Coaching with intensity
After talking to Janese I realize there was nothing shocking or startling about what we talked about. She used metaphors and stories to help guide me to better understand my choices and the outcome of those choices. There is also a sense of peace and acceptance that comes with working with Janese. She is tough when she needs to be and all with a caring heart. I highly recommend her services.
Apr 3, 2013
Janese has a way of putting life’s challenges in a way that I can understand and process to the fullest. Her guidance has opened up new insight for me. Her love is felt in every session.
Jan 31, 2013
Fantasticly insightful.
The session with Janese was very helpful in clearing up some confusion about my life. She was right on point with everything and it was fun and supportive. I am greatful to have had her helping me and definitely recommend it to others.
Jan 3, 2013
Clear, broad, compassionate, expansive and insightful!!
My reading with Janese was very helpful and I am quite grateful for her vision and input. Very practical and insightful. Highly recommend!! Looking forward to the next time.
Nov 29, 2012
Wonderful; insightful; wise; compassionate; accurate. Always. Thank you, so much, Janese. You are an incredible guide in my life. I am excited about my upcoming vision board session with you!
Oct 17, 2012
I have consulted Janese for 13 years through many changes. She always addresses core issues after which I am left with a different perspective and an opportunity to adddress the new challenge.
Sep 19, 2012
Intuitive Counseling Session
I have had many intuitive counseling sessions with Janese over a period of nearly 20 years. She always provide valuable insight into whatever is going on in my life and helps me to identify paths forward. She doesn’t tell me what to do, but validates what I already know by helping me to uncover what I consciously or subconsciously know about myself. Her guidance has been invaluable over the years in helping me grow both professionally and as a person. Thanks!
Sep 11, 2012
Janese gives me a more illuminated vision of my life. As well, she confirms some of my own intuitions. She guides me to help myself to a wonderful life that I know is waiting for me. My heart is always lighter after having spoken with her.
Sep 10, 2012
Blew me away–she was so helpful!
Janese really picked up on some things in my life that I hadn’t even acknowledged, which helped me connect to those parts of myself that I had been resisting. All of what she said rang completely true at a heart level and it was so helpful because I didn’t have to do all of the talking. It was almost like Janese had known me for a number of years and could already see through all of my confusion that I wasn’t able to make sense of, getting right to the core. I highly recommend Janese!
Sep 9, 2012
Very Helpful
Rather than just downloading a bunch of information like a “psychic” would do, Janese used her intuitive skills to help me discover the deeper causes of my particular situation and the pathway to move forward in my life. I left the session with a stronger sense of who I am, where I’m headed, and how to get there. What empowerment! Janese’s skills and light-hearted approach would be beneficial to anyone!
Aug 31, 2012
very nice session
I was very happy with my session with Janese and would highly recommend her to any of my friends or relatives.
Aug 29, 2012
Compassionate, clear and positive
I live in Italy and contacted Janese by skype and it worked perfectly. During our conversation I sensed a deep feeling of warmth and compassion. She contributed to helping me find the right path for me, my husband and my three children. I will definitely contact her again in the future. I will recommend her to my family and friends!
Aug 26, 2012
Integral part of R&D team
I contact Janese when I feel a need to illuminate my path. Yes, her clear intuition and guidance are invaluable to making key decisions. Janese is honest, direct, down-to-earth, respectful and takes no prisoners. Because of this authenticity and sense of solidarity, I can listen and take the message to heart.
Aug 1, 2012
A Real Commitment to Serving Others
Janese is always there in support of the next step in your journey. Her intuition is spot on, including a knowing of exactly what you need to know! I’ve never been disappointed in her ability to take me more deeply into where I really need to be. Her sessions are always informative, sometimes, surprising, and joyfully humorous as appropriate. I credit her with saving my life, and time and again over the last thirteen years, Janese has helped me find new direction just when I felt most lost.
Jul 4, 2012
Joint Vision Board Session
My partner and I asked Janese to facilitate a Vision Board about our relationship. We each brought a personal vision board we had made and some photos and magazines for a vision board of our relationship. Though we had experience making vision boards we asked Janese to facilitate the beginning of our mutual board. The 2 hours were well spent as she kept us focused and on task. We appreciated her clear guidance and left with a rich ‘vision’ and direction to continue the process together.
Jun 8, 2012
Compassionate, wise, direct, accurate and positive
In the past twelve years I have consulted with Janese to help gain insight and clarify feelings and events in my every day life. With a sense of grace, highly developed intuition, compassion, strength and generousity, she gets right to work. What is revealed is accurate, sometimes difficult and always hopeful. What I gain is clarity which helps me proceed with more confidence. There is always a sense of relaxation that emerges from our time together. I highly recommend Janese..
May 27, 2012
Accurate, clear, concise, and compassionate.
I have spoken to Jenese frequently during times of life transition. In every instance her words and insight have been cogent and directly to the point regarding the situation, the karmic implications, and insight from my own highest wisdom about how to proceed and what lessons are best learned. This has been an invaluable resource for me. Not always easy, mind you, but Truth seldom is. If you are looking for Truth tempered with compassion, I unfailingly recommend Janese. Peace.
May 27, 2012
A light at the end of a tunnel…
I call Janese every six months, and every six months she renews my faith that there are things worth waking up for. My life, much as most people’s lives, is very confusing and hard to deal with at times. Whenever I am struggling or I have a question that I can’t answer on my own, Janese sheds light on the topic and helps me pick the best path and make good choices. I owe much of my success in life to her help, and I’m sure I will owe much of my future success to her as well!!
May 22, 2012
Life-changing Work
Janese has been a significant mentor in my life since 1994, when I began having sessions with her. Since then, we have shared about 25 sessions, each of which has exemplified clarity, compassion, and kindness, as well as a strong dose of no-nonsense wise council. Janese is wonderful. It is an honor to commend her to you.
May 21, 2012
excellent session
Janese has been helping me since 1985 and yesterdays session was just what I needed on so many levels. We covered many topics and I got insights and guidance for specific issues that I was concerned about. Janese is and always will be one of the most talented of Intuits I know.
May 16, 2012
Janese helps me have more clarity and insight within my own personal struggles and growth with my relationships, career and self. She also helps enhance my own intuition and gives me helpful tools to awaken my spirit. I highly recommend Janese to my patients who want to take their healing to another level.
May 14, 2012
Janese opened the gate to that elevated space in which connection to all that is, and to the Divine, simply is. Janese shared profound insights with me with forthright grace. Her ability to perceive deep within me is matched by extraordinary ability to share essential information with kindness and clarity.
May 5, 2012
I highly recommend Janese
Janese has been a godsend for me. During the loss of my son I would not have been able to find my next breath without the guidance, support and love that she brings to her sessions. Janese has a way of communicating and giving clarity that is a true gift.
May 4, 2012