Sharing Of A Couple’s Vision Board

It is wonderful to have a map in the road of life, and yes, sometimes we find ourselves on a different road than originally planned. I find that the clearer we are at connecting with our true self, our inner self, the more powerfully and alive we are in the direction our lives turn.

Vision boards are great tools to help you clarify and really connect at a true level what your “real” hopes and dreams are. We sometimes find ourselves having doubts and getting cloudy by “the shoulds” of life. Your personal vision board can help you stay clear and focused. I have taught workshops, worked with couples and individuals with vision boards.

Recently I had the great honor of working with this wonderful couple creating a couples vision board. They had already created their individual boards before coming to see me.  They have given permission for me to share their beautiful work with you. Their couples board is still in progress, and we hope to share that with you soon. An email from Katrina shares a bit of their experience.

“My partner and I have been spending part of our weekends composing vision boards. We were inspired by the work Janese Derrough did with my friend Geraldine. Joe completed his very full and engaging board. He then loosely rearranged his collage to follow the same bagua chart Janese had recommended to Geraldine. I also used the chart as a reference. Now that we have completed our individual boards we will begin to create a board for our relationship. Janese suggested this exercise as a way to observe what visions we share in common. I most enjoy exploring our vision of ‘Home’, which is also a vision of retreat for an artistic community and us.”

After they came for their couples board, I had received an email from Katrina sharing her experience coming to me to help them with their board.
Thank you Katrina and Joe for sharing your vision with us.

“My partner and I asked Janese to facilitate a Vision Board about our relationship. We each brought a personal vision board we had made and some photos and magazines for a vision board of our relationship. Though we had experience making vision boards we asked Janese to facilitate the beginning of our mutual board.   The 2 hours were well spent as she kept us focused and on task. We appreciated her clear guidance and left with a rich ‘vision’ and direction to continue the process together.”

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