Healing trauma and stress through gratitude

Recently I had the most delightful interview with Claire Faithfull of Be a Smart Woman Podcast. She interviewed me on one of my favorite topics on healing trauma through gratitude.  I hope you have a chance to listen to this podcast. Claire has interviewed quite a few woman on various topics. You would really enjoy […]

Mindfulness and Loving Kindness

After plane, train, subway, and, finally, an Uber ride my husband Roger and I arrived at the remote 40 year-old Insight Meditation Society (IMS) retreat center in central Massachusetts. We would be staying for 9 days of mediation with 98 other individuals while adhering to “noble silence”. At first it was awkward, but soon was […]

Rethinking our concept of gender

We are in a changing world that seems to be getting more divisive each day with less tolerance for differences and for change. Sadly, one population of individuals that have been antagonized, bullied, and discriminated against is the transgender community. One of the reasons that is given from those opposing transgender people is, they say, […]

Empowerment or Victimhood? You choose!

If you are struggling in life and want to break through into a feeling of empowerment, then this video may be for you. Janese shares some wonderful ideas on how to help heal the inner wounds.

Miracles and Care Bear Stare

  Are you familiar with the Care Bear show? The idea of care bear stare has been an interesting and practical way to teach children to send love and prayers to people and situations.  A care bear stare is when the Care Bears join together to shine light from their hearts when facing danger or […]

Pro-life AND Pro-Choice!

When I hear the phrase “pro-life,” I think of Amelia Bedelia, a character in a children’s book series written by author Peggy Parish. Amelia takes everything quite literal. When someone says that they are pro-life, in a literal sense, which says that everything living matters to that person. They care for all of the tapestry […]

Behind the scenes with my second show

Everything about being a radio show host is new to me. I definitely have a big learning curve going on with this new venture. Stretching usually is wonderful, and can also be quite stressful. This last show, I would say was both stretch and stress for me. When I called in on Skype, the first […]