I hope you enjoy this video on healing trauma through gratitude and self love. Love to hear about your journey with healing. Please share in the comments.

I hope you enjoy this video on healing trauma through gratitude and self love. Love to hear about your journey with healing. Please share in the comments.
Recently I had the most delightful interview with Claire Faithfull of Be a Smart Woman Podcast. She interviewed me on one of my favorite topics on healing trauma through gratitude. I hope you have a chance to listen to this podcast. Claire has interviewed quite a few woman on various topics. You would really enjoy […]
If you are struggling in life and want to break through into a feeling of empowerment, then this video may be for you. Janese shares some wonderful ideas on how to help heal the inner wounds.
Sometimes what we think we want and what are hearts want are two different things. This discrepancy can cause challenges. Fortunately there are ways to bridge these two in order to create your desired results.
Roger and I were asked to interview with Carolyn and Ruth with the End of Life transition group regarding our experience working with them with home funerals. Source: Death doulas assist the dying and loved ones cope with mortality – FOX Carolina 21