To Give or not to Give? Are you helping or enabling?

There are times when we think we are helping someone when in fact they might not be ready to change. Knowing when to give and when to back off can be quite empowering. In this video I share what helps me to discern the difference.    

Pro-life AND Pro-Choice!

When I hear the phrase “pro-life,” I think of Amelia Bedelia, a character in a children’s book series written by author Peggy Parish. Amelia takes everything quite literal. When someone says that they are pro-life, in a literal sense, which says that everything living matters to that person. They care for all of the tapestry […]

Making it happen! Interview with Jennifer Wilkov

Jennifer Wilkov has quite a unique story, and it was delightful to interview her. In the middle of her very successful career as an author and motivational speaker, Jennifer was falsely accused of being involved with an investment scam. With her months in Rikers Prison, Jennifer was able to use the tools on a very […]

Behind the scenes with my second show

Everything about being a radio show host is new to me. I definitely have a big learning curve going on with this new venture. Stretching usually is wonderful, and can also be quite stressful. This last show, I would say was both stretch and stress for me. When I called in on Skype, the first […]

Living the Best You show’s premiere- March 19th

The events leading up to the first show, and then finally the premiere of Living the best you! had arrived! This has and is quite the experience learning how to put together a show and doing it. I know that this would not have happened without everyone’s involvement. I appreciate everyone who called in with […]

Thankful for my ski helmet, higher power, and serendipity through a fall

On the ski lift high in the beautiful mountains of Utah, I was pondering which way to ski since the conditions were not that good. By the time the lift stopped, I had decided to ski an easier run. As I started skiing my confidence grew, and I decided to ski a more challenging trail, […]

The continuation of mother / daughter healing

Recently I shared with you a very powerful healing that I personally experienced around my mother. This beautiful and deeply intimate sharing has led to an even greater healing in our evolving relationship together. You can read the first sharing through this link Initially when my Mom called, I was worried that something unfortunate […]

Ancestors Walk ~ Healing the Wounds with My Mother ~ Janese Derrough

All twenty-five of us stood against the two walls across from each other. We were all blindfolded and could not see anything. We could only hear Wilbert Alix, our workshop guide, in the background instructing us on how we would do the Ancestor’s walk. As we stood with our blindfolds on, we were to imagine […]

An Intuitive Tail

Guidance comes in many ways, often ways that don’t make sense, even so, I feel it is important to listen and follow. This intuitional “tail/tale” is a sharing on how one of my pets who had passed-on ,guided me to our next dog. Both were amazing dogs that helped our family through many challenging years. […]