Thankful for my ski helmet, higher power, and serendipity through a fall

On the ski lift high in the beautiful mountains of Utah, I was pondering which way to ski since the conditions were not that good. By the time the lift stopped, I had decided to ski an easier run. As I started skiing my confidence grew, and I decided to ski a more challenging trail, but it was still a blue. Getting ready to turn onto the run, I felt an intuitive no, not this way. I ignored the intuition and went ahead. Within minutes, I was feeling my head hit the ground, skis fell off, and I had rolled a couple times. I laid there not sure what to do. I looked around and there wasn’t a soul in sight. This is odd since the runs were packed with people since it was a powder day. The problem was the powdered snowed on top of ice…ugh. I gathered myself up and got mu skis. The attempt to put my skis on was becoming too much, I wanted to sit there and sob, so I inwardly asked Divine guidance for help. Immediately I felt that I had courage and clarity to do what I needed to do. I heard an old ski instructors voice guide me in my head on how to get my skis back on , on a steep slope. I then continued slowly skiing down the mountain with the same instructors voice telling me how to best get down. Thankfully I made it down and met up with my husband, Roger. We sat for lunch as I was trying to figure out how bad I was. I think I heard a crack when I fell on my head but thought it was the helmet. I did see stars, but stayed conscious. I wasn’t sure what to do. Within minutes a woman who volunteers at the ski area, sat down next to us. I asked her where the medical place was. She asked me questions about name and where I was from, and said that I probably just needed to rest and drink lots of fluids. Turns out that she was a doctor. As she was leaving, a group of women sat down with me since Roger had gone back to skiing, and one of them was an emergency room nurse. I was feeling quite taken care of by now. I decided to ski back down , and another volunteer had me follow him the easiest way down. Wow, I definitely noticed how every thing flowed after I asked for help. The next day when I was flying out, I was a bit afraid since I was having some difficulty similar to a mild concussion. As it turns out the man next to me was a neurosurgeon. By now, I knew that I was really being looked after, and am extremely for the serendipity of life when we let go and open up to assistance. I am now days from the accident, and beginning to feel back to normal again, and I can now say that the outpouring of love from friends, family, and strangers has been tremendous, and the grace of all those medical people around just for comfort has been quite amazing. And I must add that I am also grateful for my ski helmet. I know that I would have had a different experience without one on. I have a bump on my head, and that is with the helmet. I am glad to be safe and sound in my home with the power of so much love helping me heal! Thank you to those who are sending love, prayers, and good loving thoughts.

16 Responses to “Thankful for my ski helmet, higher power, and serendipity through a fall”

  1. Jillian Wolf

    Wow, so that’s what you meant by grace with medical doctors…suddenly they were everywhere! I’m glad you’ve come through OK. It’s been a long time since I’ve been skiing, and I didn’t realize helmets were being used. Thank God!

    • Hi Jillian, Yes, I have never experienced so many doctors around at the same time. Too much coincidence, not to notice that there was so much grace here. Thanks for the loving ups.

  2. Janese, I am just now reading this and all my love to you. You have popped into my mind a few times over the last couple weeks…kind of feeling a need to connect. Maybe this is why. Hope you’re feeling better and I’ll send you a prayer right now. xoxoxo

  3. Wow! Thank you for sharing your experience with us Janese! I am so glad you are ok and safe now. Your experience is so powerful and shows me (us) how easy it is to just ask for help, for guidance when we are scared, afraid or in a difficult moment. I’ve been working on asking for help and actually being open to receiving it (this may be even harder than asking, for me that is). So if we ask but aren’t open to receiving, we may not hear or feel the guidance. I know from my own experience I try to do it all on my own, everything, all the time, it’s a voice in my head that says that’s what I’m supposed to do. and i forget that I can ask for help, or dont deserve to ask for help (like my problems are too small compared to others) or being able to let go and be open to the receiving part like you shared, even when it’s knocking on my door. How can we best let go of this tight grasp we have on our lives and our surroundings and ask and/or accept the help that is all around us instead of ironically shutting it out when it’s what we really want/need?

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